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My Method and Experience in Public Speaking

Thank you for considering me to speak at your next event. While planning an event can take lots of tedious planning, I have never found writing and giving talks to be tedious. Ever since my time as a missionary the Lord has never ceased to amaze me by giving me exactly what I need to help others hear His voice.

Over the course of many years, I have spoken in multiple countries and to crowds as large as 500 people. However, the way that I do it never seems to change. I typically begin by discussing with the event coordinator what topic it is that they would like me to speak on. I then bring it to prayer and over the course of a few weeks, ponder how the Lord is speaking to me through that topic. In all of my experience Jesus never fails to teach me and heal me through my speaking engagements, especially through the preparation. I believe that without a personal encounter with Christ through me and my experience, everything I say will be like noisy gongs. I weave theology, scripture, psychology, and my own personal experience together to create a compelling, believable, and inspirational narrative to those I am speaking to. In doing this, part of the way I engage the audience is by actively thinking through topics with them. I believe that unless the audience is creatively thinking about their own lives during the talk, most of what I say will not remain with them or impact the way that they live. Whether it is to a large audience, or to a small youth group, I always seek to be an icon of Christ to those I speak.

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